Friday, November 25, 2011


Well, looking at the time i realized that one more hour and I'll turn 25!!
Wow.... 25 years of absolute awesome life!! What more can I expect from this! I have got everything I wanted. Happiness, sorrow, parties, experiences, travel and what not!
Life kept surprising me and I still feel like exploring it more, experimenting more and extracting more off it.

Life gave me 10+ years of childhood, 15+ years of student life and now.....I have a life it's my money, my way of living and my freedom completely!
Every phase needs a transition and i kept respecting it and changing myself.
And with each transition, i miss the previous ones! All these phases were beyond my expectations.

Well, I also realise, these 25 years I have spent enjoying every moment of it! And, now it's time. Time to build my future... build myself as a man i should be proud of. I want this phase of my life also to be as awesome as the previous ones. This phase should also be missed just like i miss the previous ones.

I'm 25!
