Saturday, September 22, 2007

VEDAS....-ocean of knowledge.....

Vedas, Anatomy and Medical Sciences
Our present knowledge of the nervous system fits in so accurately with the internal description of the human body given in the Vedas (10,000 years ago). Then the question arises whether the Vedas are really religious books or books on anatomy of the nervous system and medicine.
The word for human body in Sanskrit is Deha and Shareera. Deha comes from Dahyati which means consumed by fire and Shareera is derived from Shara which means that which will decay. Hindus Buddhists and most modern Europeans and Americans cremate the body after death and most Semitics bury the body which decays after some time. Thus in lighter vein we can say that the Hindus, Buddhists… have deha and the Semitics have sharira.
The word for heart in Vedic Sanskrit is “Hridaya”. It is made of three parts - Hri, Da, Ya. Hri comes from Harati which means to receive, Da is short form of Dadati which means to give and Ya stands for Ayati which means to go, to move or to circulate. It is amazing to know how the Vedic seers coined this word since heart has only these three functions. Millenniums later William Harvey in 1628 A.D. was the first European to discover the circulation of blood.
Plastic surgery performed today in the most modern hospitals is similar to the one performed by Sushruta 3,000 years ago. Early Hindu doctors knew bone setting, arresting of blood flow, cataract operations, cure for most ailments and so on… Yogasan and meditation which are very ancient, are sought by over 10% populations in America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

well...this is what the power and knowledge on india is....any comments pls go ahead..

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